5 miles up to the summit of the highest mountain.
6 miles down to the deepest seabed.
The film and text interventions formed my MA Art and Design in Education dissertation project. They respond to the short-term and insecure working patterns I experience as an hourly-paid lecturer and freelance arts educator and worker, as is common in higher education and the arts.
In contrast to the short-term, I considered vast scales of both time and space; greatly inspired by the 1950 book, A Land by archaeologist, Jaquetta Hawkes.
Words and phrases from this text have been used in the film, and were inserted into the landscape of the Institute of Education (UCL), inviting those working, studying, or visiting to consider this huge, almost unfathomable bigger picture or experience their bodies in new (possibly confusing, amusing) ways. By zooming out, they aim to take one’s mind and/or body out of the institution for a brief interlude: a pause in the performativity. These act in opposition to the languages and pace of work and teaching, conveyed by my zooming in to the many small tasks performed in a teaching day.