SILENT partner
A one-to-one performance involving a first (potentially romantic) meeting with a stranger, conducted in silence.
Research into Apache Indians’ dating rituals were found to involve weeks or months of meeting romantic partners in silence. Therefore to challenge the norms of modern western dating, a proposal was put to possible partners via a dating app to meet in silence. It was made clear that this was still a “proper” date in terms of finding the other person attractive via the online platform and the few messages exchanged beforehand. They were asked to choose the location of the date as their input. Either party could end the silence at any time.
The questionnaire is the document of the date, written at the conclusion of silence.
Should you be looking for love and want to try a silent date, an example message can be downloaded here to send to a prospective partner.
Duration of silence: 1 hour 18 minutes
Duration in silence: 2 hours 47 minutes
Duration in silence: 1 hour 4 minutes
Duration in silence: when does it end if it never begins?
Duration in silence: 2 hours 13 minutes